Monday, June 6, 2011

Buckets of Blue

The three sizes of blue BP pill bottles

 You just never know when some amazing bottle will just fall in your lap.  I was at work slaving away when a coworker of mine walks in with a small cardboard box that looked liked it had been soaked and dried about a hundred times.  "Bar, can you use these?"  I looked in the box and there were about 20 small, blue, turn of the century pill bottles marked B. P. & Co.  This was a bottle I had found before and was an easy sale for a few dollars.  "Sure" I responded, "Where did you get them?"  "Over at the Bond job, the're all over the place" he said.  As you can guess I headed over there right after work to check out the situation.  Unbelievable!  There must have been tens of thousands of these things laying all over the place.  I filled two five gallon buckets in about a half hour (three or four hundred bottles), figured I had a lifetime supply, and left.  The next day they covered it all over and the bottle bonanza was gone.
  Here's the interesting part.  First of all, it was not a lifetime supply.  I sold every one of those cute little bottles in about a month (Where did they all go?).  Second of all, when I was cleaning them I discovered that one of them was amber.  This is an extremely rare bottle that may be unique, at least after 41 years of bottle collecting I have never seen another.  I kept for my collection one of each size of the cobalt blue examples and of course the one amber example.  Every time I drive by that place all I can think of is the uncountable number of bottles buried under the side lawn of that building, now senior housing.

Extremely rare amber BP pill bottle


  1. NEAT!!!

    My husband and I once came home with a trunk full of old bottles that we dug up near a friend's cabin in the Poconos. Most were from the 30s-40s. Unfortunately, we lived in a teeny weeny apt and had to move several times, so all the bottles got given away and recycled. Had we had a home or storage, we would have definitely kept them. This was also before Etsy and Ebay so there wasn't any on-line selling.

    Where do you go? Don't you need permission to go out and bottle hunt?


  2. Hi Barry, this is a great bottle story. Don't you wish you saved more? Smile! The amber bottle is very pretty but I do love the blue.
    Keep on digging!

  3. What an interesting hobby you have! Treasure hunting! I'm so glad you have rescued all these beautiful artifacts. Have a nice day! Twyla
